“True Colours” was a brief exhibit at the Dignam Gallery.  The gallery is run by the Women’s Art Association of Canada and is located in their building on Prince Arthur Street.  This was their 3rd Annual Uptown Pride Exhibition.  Saturday, 29th June is the last day of the show.

One of the nice things about this gallery space is the decor.

in an art gallery, a chaisse lounge against a wall with two paintings by karen taylor on it.  another painting in the background

below: “Express Yourself” and “It’s bad bitch o’clock” by Karen Taylor

two paintings on a gallery wall, both by karen taylor.  one is a long vertical and the other is square.  both are words, express yourself on the left in orange, green, and purple.  On the right is it's bad bitch o'clock in shades of pink and red

below:   Hung over this old fireplace is a painting by Stacy Athena May.  It is titled, “Hymn to Hera (Sisters Dance)”.

old fireplace painted white, painting above the mantel, art gallery space, painting by Stacy Athena May, two figures dancing, male and female body parts,

below:  Another Stacy Athena May painting, “Dismal Entity” hangs over a matching old white fireplace.  On the left is a painting by Shawn Skeir.

inside an art gallery with an old white fire place on an interior wall, paintings hung around the room

below: “Spirit Doll”, mixed media, sculpture by Steve Rose

small ssculpture, spirit doll, by steve rose, covered in fabric with lots of loose fibers, reds and oranges,

below: On the right is “Pride on the Subway”” (2019) by Lin Duperron.  The other 2 are by Steve Rose.

a green cloth covered wood chair, against a wall in dignam gallery, womens art association of canada, with three artworks on the wall behind the chair, 2 paintings and a photograph

below: What’s so crazy about peace, love, and understanding…. over and over again.  A twist on “What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding” from the song written by Nick Lowe but made famous by Elvis Costello.

close up of artwork, with words what's so crazy about peace love and understanding, written many many times on white and yellow background, word love written loosely, and large, over the hand written text

At the Women’s Art Association, there are two galleries – the Ruth Upjohn Gallery has its own small room.   At the moment there are some marvelous photos by Ulla Djelweh, “Through the Garden Gate”, of flowers from a garden.  These orchids are hers.

lens based artwork by ulla djelweh, orchidsi n a garden, growing in small blue baskets

sewing mannequin form stands in front of an open door, photo on door, framed paintings on wall in hall, bottom of staircase can be seen

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