Another gorgeous May morning, another coffee shop.  This time it was Circles and Squares Bakery on Bartley Drive where the butter tarts are amazing (well, what isn’t amazing there?).

reflections in a coffee shop window, outside looking in, circles and squares on bermondsey

Most of you are now asking, “Where is Bartley Drive?”  Answer – close to the Bermondsey Transfer Station as pictured below.  That’s where the garbage trucks go.  It is also where you can drop off your hazardous waste or renovation waste, things that aren’t allowed in the trash you leave at the front of your house (or throw down the chute in your building).  That large grey building is for yard waste.  And yes, there is a lingering odor.

walking down dirt road, Bermondsey transfer station (garbage) on the right, tall metal hydro pole on the left

It is also close to the Bermondsey Hydro One Transmission Station.

3 tall metal hydro transmission towers, with lots of wires

below: Warning sign. “Property and copper marked for police identification.”

sign on wall of electric substation that says warning Property and copper marked for police identification

a series of x shaped cross braces, metal, in an electric sub station

below: The transmission station is on the Hydro Corridor that cuts a swath through Toronto.  There is a plan to turn most of it into “The Meadoway”, a bike and walking path that runs through a restored meadow.  The paths are more developed in Scarborough, see blog post “the Meadoway” from November 2021.

sign for do not mow, meadow restoration area, with electric substation behind

At the moment this section of meadow has limited access.   There is a dirt road that runs through the Hydro Corridor, west towards the Don River.

people walking on dirt road with trees on the left, and large limestone rock wall on the right


a single yellow flower, with some green leaves, growing in front of pile of grey limestone rocks

… but the bridge over the river is not quite complete.  Once it is finished,  it will connect The Meadoway and the East Don Trail.

construction site, dump truck, in a ravine, new iron bridge in the background

man walking on path through shrubs towards bridge and railway tracks

Crossing the tracks anyhow.

crossing the railway tracks

new rusted metal bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, crosses railway tracks

below: Immediately after the newest bridge over the railway tracks, there is another bridge. This one crosses the Don River.  This is now part of the East Don Trail.   There is a section of the East Don Trail north of Eglinton (by the Rainbow Tunnel) but at the present time, they don’t connect.  It’s an ongoing project.   The large poles beside the path are the makings of a large net.

bridge over the don river, with apartment buildings in the background

below: The nets are because Flemingdon Golf Club is right here.  I suspect no one wants to get hit by a flying golf ball.

flemingdon golf club with some golf carts, apartment buildings in the background

below: Looking back towards the newest bridge

two bridges, one in foreground over the don river and larger bridge in the background over the railway tracks

fence along a path approaching a bridge construction site, with no access sign posted

below: White flowers on a Cranberry Viburnum plant.

white flowers of a cranberry viburnum shrub

below: Don River

It’s a quiet spot.  But obviously some people make use of the space! Stonr’s hot box clubhouse.

hand drawn sign on old lumber that says stonrs hot box clubhouse


Google maps shows the East Don Trail continuing south at least as far as where the Don River passes under the Don Valley Parkway.  Unfortunately, the next time the path encounters the tracks, it ends.   I forgot to take a picture but the tracks form a wall at the end of the road.   There is a dirt path that runs uphill through the woods (away from the tracks) that probably leads to the Spanbridge Road neighbourhood.   Instead of exploring further we retraced our steps back to Circles and Squares.

With thanks to the Wednesday morning walking group!

4 men walking on a path in toronto ravine, wednesday morning small walking group members

electricity wires and the metal and ceramic pieces on them

green leaves in the sun with shadows made by nearby leaves

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